Its kind of like this

Posted in blog post on April 22nd, 2009 by Merrill Markoe

.I am appearing on two panels at the L.A. Times Festival of Books on Sunday. (Ap.26) I did this a few years ago and found it very enjoyable  even though I was adrift in a sea of successful authors who didn’t seem to necessarily have the same issues with trying to write that I do. One guy who sat next to me on a fiction panel said that he gets up every morning and writes  from eight to noon because to him it just feels like “turning on the tap to watch the ideas flow out.”  I can’t even get started until I have an imaginary boxing match in my mind where I repeatedly punch myself in the face until I agree to start. Like today, when I am doing this instead of writing.  Almost every day  I  argue with myself about whether or not I even have anything to say. The whole thing is kind of an ordeal . It kind of looks like this.

One Response to “Its kind of like this”

  1. Amy Wallen says:

    I’m writing a comment because, one, I never write comments and yet wonder why no one writes them on my blog. Two, because I’m laughing so hard at your comment about the panel you were on several years ago with the guy who sat next to you and said he wrote from 8-2pm and it was like watching water flow from a faucet. I was at the other end of that panel, and someone came up to me later and asked if I thought he might have been lying. I have no idea what I said. I was so scared that day, first novel and all. But I’ll see you on Sunday and I plan on l talking about dogs. Not the writing process. Ick. And who knows, maybe we can make fun of exes.