Merrill » 2011 » December

A Very Dylan Christmas:#3

Posted December 13th, 2011
Tags: , If this blog has a yearly tradition it is my ongoing efforts at photographing Bob Dylan’s Christmas Decorations. Not everyone thinks of Bob Dylan as a Christmassy sort of guy. I know I didn’t. But I do now. It started because I like to inspect the neighborhood Christmas decorations every year and Mr. Dylan has a house in my neighborhood.  I grew up worshipping Mr. Dylan. Not too many artists had more impact on my development than he did. And now I believe the same holds true for his Christmas decorating style. Let us examine his approach. There is much to learn.

source Of all the outdoor decorating styles on display in my neighborhood, year after year Mr. Dylan’s is  the most low key. It appears casual to the point of almost seeming unplanned. At first glance it may look thrown together without much forethought. Yet when we examine his efforts in years past,his astonishing consistency reveals the stylings of a very specific Christmas artist at work.

Tramadol Ordering First: a brief trip down memory lane.

Tramadol Buy Cod Here is Mr. Dylan’s decor in 2009.

follow link Here is Mr. Dylan’s Christmas offering in 2010. And now behold, The Dylan Christmas of 2011:

get link This year we see a variation on last year’s theme as he repeats his signature lack of formality. He has again hung the lights in what can now be referred to as a prototypical Dylanesque style.There is resistence to symmetry, the avoidance of an obvious pattern or design.  In the detail below we see the return of a classic Dylan touch: the low hanging loop, which some call ‘Dylan’s Necktie’. Others prefer to call it ‘The Crutch’.

go site Also this year the lights are higher up on the bushes than  in previous years, perhaps indicating  a more spiritual intention. Then again, they may be providing a comment about  the hopes of the common man in an economic downturn.

Tramadol Legal To Buy Online As with all of Dylan’s best work, ultimately we are left with more questions than answers.

go here Yet tears well up and there is a quiet joy. Or something.

source url Happy Holidays everyone. From me. And from Bob.

follow PS: No matter what the copy on the page reads, my new book is in stock again now. They just restocked them. Buy one, won’t you? Amazon

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Some new and hopefully funny stuff re: My New Book.

Posted December 6th, 2011 So this is a little PR wrap up of a few my recent book promotional attempts…at least the ones that I thought went well.  If you have come to this site looking for current data on me, this stuff might be it.

here First, here’s the WTF podcast I did with Marc Maron. I f you’re not familiar with WTF, you should google it. Marc does absolutely great interviews with people who work in, around, and near comedy. Marc is a brilliant comedian himself and he is one of a kind. Then I went on The Daily Show. That was fun.Me on The Daily Show

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Merrill Markoe

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Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook

see Then I wrote a post about it on Regretsy.

Order Tramadol Cod Overnight So…that a lot of stuff! Think I’ll quit while we’re both ahead.
But first let me update you on the book. The Daily Show appearance kicked sales in to a gear that the book company was apparently not prepared for. They sold out of the first printing but they tell me there will be more books next week some time.(Despite the fact that Amazon has a disparaging note that sounds like you will never receive a book in this or any other lifetime.) So if you order it, you will too get it by Christmas! While you are waiting, you can re-enjoy this video I made of my dogs fetching the book out of the pool. One other hilarious bi-product of this whole brouhaha is visible today (Dec.7) on Amazon. Although I am told there might be new books for sale AT REGULAR PRICES there tomorrow, the used book market vultures have already made a desperate attempt. Check out these bargain prices. At least they’re supposed to be in pretty good shape. HAA!


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