A digitizing frenzy: Many videos by me.

Posted in blog post on June 20th, 2015 by Merrill Markoe go to site

https://alldayelectrician.com/n8wrwj63p I have been digitizing all my old VHS tapes and decided to make a page for them on You Tube.

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Cheapest Tramadol Overnight They are:HERE and HERE and they date back to the eighties. And I am still digitizing. Its a sickness.

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source link But now, through the magic of digitized video, you can join me at The Republican Natl. conventions of 92 and 96.  Or in Alaska for the Talkeetna Bachelor Auction.  Or in Las Vegas for the Nite Club and Bar Expo, or the Pet Industry Convention. And more!  Here’s some love advice (from the 90s) and a food technology convention (from the 80s.) Thank you for your time and good night.








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