New category: Pretty but horrible
Posted in blog post on December 13th, 2009 by Merrill MarkoeTags: 5 inch heels, pollution at sunset, pretty but horrible, rainbow twizzlers, sarah palin, sno balls, staph bacteria
watch My first two nominees: 1. Sarah Palin. No explanation needed. She defines the category.
here 2. Rainbow Twizzlers
Get Tramadol Online Uk I bought a pack of these yesterday because I love Twizzlers. And I love rainbows. But, as they say here on the internet: Fail. Whatever flavor that is in the regular ones (a flavor I like to think of as RED) is the only acceptable Twizzler . The purple is especially wrong. And I refuse to dignify the green or yellow with a discussion. While I was taste testing the other colors, I thought to myself “Pretty. But horrible.” Then I thought of Sarah Palin. Now I will build the rest of the category as the content occurs to me.
Ordering Tramadol From Mexico 3. Air pollution at sunset 4. Weird little inedible widely hated cake petit fours.(Thank you Ellen.)
Us Tramadol Online 5. Graphics for Grand Theft Auto
get link 6. The always grotesque Speidi (Thank you Barb and Laurie) 7. Hostess Sno Balls. Thank you Laurie. Again. This is a perfect one. As a kid I wanted so badly to love these because they were so beautiful and so theoretically delicious. Then you take a big bite of that rubbery spongy coating and…well, you never fully recover. Its not just awful, it represents the death of hope. It SHOULD have been a dream come true 8. Copper mining damage.
Cheapest Tramadol Overnight 9.. Elizabeth Hasselbeck
source site 10. Staph bacteria
watch 11.Boots with 5 inch heels. I can’t last more than a short period of time in 3 inch heels. 31/2 are out of the question. Once, for a TV appearance, I bought a pair of Manolo Blahniks. They were very pretty. I made it from the backstage area to the guest seat. Period. But I had to find a chair during the wait for a table at the restaurant afterward. Even a few minutes of standing in them was unbearable. They were so painful and so expensive that I took them to a shoe repair and had the heel shortened, understanding completely what kind of a sacrilege that is…and of course it wrecked the careful architecture of the shoes,so I’ve never warn them since. But I couldn’t wear them before either. Now all the shoes I like have 4 and 5 inch heels. I love how they look but…they certainly fit my qualifications for this list. Pretty but horrible.
Tramadol Online Overnight Delivery 12. Sheet cake. Always pretty. Always horrible. Thank you Elayne.
Order Tramadol Paypal 13. Mel Gibson 14.Salmonella
Tramadol Online Overnight This entry was posted on Sunday, December 13th, 2009 at 10:44 and is filed under blog post. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
go to link 3. Jennifer “Jen” Aniston. Tired of hearing about her heart being stomped on (welcome to humanity’s nightmare girl). Tired of seeing her going to Pap hotspots and glaring into the cameras with disdain.
4. Speidi. I agree with both nominees. I’ve only had red, and Sarah, well what can I say.
I was going to nominate Cheney but he’s not any prettier than I am. I still want to see a Cheney/Palin lovechild would be like.
Tramadol Purchase Overnight Envisioning a Cheney/Palin lovechild. I’m just surfing the internet, why did you have to hurt me like that? yeah, that’s just plain Cruel…. OH OH OH! JERMAINE JACKSON! Can he be number 1? Please?!??!
source url Is he pretty? I’ll have to go look. Michael would have been number two easy before the last nose improvement. Narcissus ??? — or is that matter closed? Could be relevant if you go to ( — I just came across something potentially interesting: In 20th century pop culture, Bob Dylan’s song “License to Kill” refers indirectly to Narcissus: “Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool /And when he sees his reflection, he’s fulfilled.”
Order Cheap Tramadol Cod “Supper’s Ready” by Genesis (ca. 1972), a near-23-minute epic song laden with religious and mythological imagery, refers to the myth of Narcissus as follows: “A young figure sits still by a pool / He’s been stamped “Human Bacon” by some butchery tool / (He is you) / Social Security took care of this lad. / We watch in reverence, as Narcissus is turned to a flower. / A flower?” The movement is titled “How Dare I Be So Beautiful?”. Kind of wild the way Several of your themes intertwine!
go here 1. I second Speidi
2. Olivia Palermo from The City
3. Velvet ropes
4. Red carpets
5. Hostess Sno-Balls
6. Botox
7. Tiger Woods’s harem
8. Elizabeth Hasselbeck
9. Snails
10. Fruit roll ups
Order Tramadol Overnight Cod Great list. I’m adding some of these right now.
source site Hostess snoballs, yes, along with the cupcakes! Great choice!
Were they already in the house, or did you tear out and get them?
—and you took a bite out of them? You do have an instinct for images.
I’m still tryng to think of a nomination. I nominate those petit four rainbow cookies. So pretty and yet … inedible. They’re almost like a practical joke. Even kids hate them, and kids don’t hate anything that dense in sugar.
follow link Excellent! I’m putting that one right on to the list! You’re right. They are horrible.And very pretty!
see url Wedding cake. I’ve never tasted a good one in my life. Barbra Streisand’s voice.
I second, third, and forever that! Thank you Margaret.
** Ann Coulter
and my favorite:
** Patty McCormack in “The Bad Seed”
You know, Ann Coulter is a perfect nominee but I hate her so much I am not sure I can even offer her the honor of calling her pretty.
I know I know, I thought exact same when I typed her name… Hey, I’m going to post a fun narcissist perfecto ejemplo on the other thread – bet it will make you laugh – just to make up for Ann here
Ann Coulter is about as pretty as a blizzard in Georgia.
Nancy Grace? what a truly awful person….
Maybe I will split one position between Ms. Grace and Ms. Coulter. They are both so hateful its hard to actually reward them with “pretty”. Tho that is the case with Palin too. But somehow these two are a notch worse.
Birthday sheet cake. Any mixed drink made with Kahlua. Creme de Menthe. Rum truffles. Everyone on ET. Pashminas (how do you keep them on?) Victoria’s Secret underwear. Getting your house painted. That new Trident three layers gum. Cigarette holders. France.
OH!! FRANCE. That’s genius, Elayne.
What about Terri Schuester, the now estranged wife of beloved Will Schuester in Glee ( ???? Yes, she’s fictional, but she seems to be pretty and horrible, despicable, and saccharinely sweet.
Oh, one more thought!!!! Opi Brights! nail polish — with colors like:
That’s Berry Daring
Pink Before You Leap
Gargantuan Green Grape
Charged Up Cherry
Flashbulb Fuchsia
Blue My Mind
Green-wich Village
I know this will upset some of you, but how about Mel Gibson?
I used to really like him, but all of those anti semitic rants, religious statements, and his father’s comments about the Holocaust being a hoax killed me.
I think Mel Gibson is a perfect pretty but horrible choice, SusanM, and I second it.
I’m resubmitting Jermaine Jackson for consideration, this time with a quotation from the candidate himself, for those of you who are smarter than me and turn the channel whenever he appears.
Jermaine (near tears): “Do you know what it is to be alone? Just to be alone? I’m out in the streets and kids are saying, ‘We don’t want your autograph’ !” Isn’t this horrible? I mean, I’d go so far as to call it repulsive. Anyway, for your consideration.
1. The Kardashian’s
2. Veneers
3. Weddings
*favorite saying (since becoming a divorcee)
‘Why do I have to get Married? I didn’t do anything wrong.’
1. Gretchen Carlson/Fox & Friends. Jon Stewart did a bit exposing how she went to Standford et. al. and yet plays the role of the dumb bimbo so the Fox fans will tune in.
2. Laura Ingram – I think of her as Ann Coulter-lite.
3. A blizzard in NYC when you’re trying to get to San Diego. The snow is drop dead gorgeous but seeing it on the planes in Newark sucks.
4. John Mayer because I am tired of hearing what a cad he is
5. George Clooney and any other Hollywood A list actor who has a penchant for escorting women who look gorgeous but appear devoid of a personality.
6. Paris Hilton (though she’s so spoiled I don’t see her as pretty)
7. Carrie Prejean
8. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt because I’d like to go to the grocery store without having to learn all about their latest weirdness.
9. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Ditto