RIP Dr. Glenn Markoe: archaeologist/curator/author/researcher/my little brother

Posted in blog post on July 29th, 2012 by Merrill Markoe
Tags: , , , , see url My brother died some time during the week of July 18. His health had not been great for a while because he had MS. But it was all complicated by the fact that he had been in a number of very bad accidents over the past decade that left him with assorted physical limitations.  One year he broke his shoulder, the next year he broke his hip. About a year and a half later he broke his neck in a bad car accident. Still, he worked out every day on a tread mill in his office and his death was unexpected. I kind of thought he’d eventually tell me that he had simply willed his health problems into a minor inconvenience. He was 61.

watch Academically speaking, my brother was an expert in a lot of arcane subject matter I could barely comprehend. He used to joke that he knew nine languages, 3 of which had not been spoken in 2000 years.  When someone asked him if he was fluent in Greek, his answer would be the question “Modern or Ancient?” He knew both.

Ordering Tramadol From India After he received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in Ancient Art and Archaeology, he was granted a  Fulbright Research Fellowship in Cyprus. He loved Cyprus and the people he met there who, he told me, pronounced his name Glown. We found that so amusing that for the entire rest of his life when we left each other messages, we both referred to him as Brother Glown. As a young man he worked on a fair amount of on-site archaeology digs. He also visited and traveled with his friend Thor Heyerdahl who granted permission for Glenn to use one of his photographs of The Kon TIki for the cover of my brother’s  definitive book about ‘The Phoenicians’, the civilization that gave us our alphabet.  ‘The Phoenicians’ was originally co-published by the British Museum Press and the University of California Press. But  recently  The Folio Society in London issued the book in a leather bound edition.  My brother was very excited about that. He was a leather-bound kind of guy in a digital world. He had no problem understanding Sanskrit but repeatedly told me he was having trouble with G-mail.

enter site For the latter part of his career, he ended up curating museum shows and writing academic research papers with titles like The Funerary Iconography of the Lotus Flower.  Here is a catalog from a show he directed on women in ancient Egypt at The Cincinnati Art Museum, where he worked as  Senior Curator of Classical and Near Eastern Art and Art of Africa and the Americas for 23 years. Probably the crowning glory of his career was a huge show he put together with his colleague Craig Morris from The Museum of Natural History in NYC entitled ‘The Lost City of Petra.’  Once referred to in a poem as “a rose-red city half as old as time,” the city of Petra is famous for its elaborate temples carved in sheer rock walls. You may remember it best as the haunting backdrop for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Here is a link to the book my brother wrote about the show. My brother spent ten years working on this project, traveling back and forth across the war torn middle east, visiting the site itself and getting permissions from the Royal Family of Jordan and the Jordanian government to ship various antiquities to this country. Here is a picture of my brother and Craig Morris with Queen Rania of Jordan.  My brother is the bearded white haired guy on the left.  Here’s a page about him from a website that went up about the exhibit.  That period of time stands out most for me as a time when I was worried about him constantly because he was not a guy who ever seemed to sense danger. In my mind, he was walking around with a ‘Take Me Hostage’ sign on his back. Ever since he was a little kid he had always appeared to be preoccupied by a private inner landscape of details from some other century. My parents referred to him as “an absent minded professor.” He was simply very trusting and good natured as he concentrated on his work and went about  collecting data for his exhibit,unconcerned that he was  not that far from where we had just invaded Iraq. “Merrill,” he used to shout at me when I issued cautionary edicts, “Where I am, it’s perfectly safe.” Still, when I went to bed at night, I had  visions of newspaper headlines describing how Al Qaeda had dropped a butterfly net over him and taken him prisoner. Fortunately there was no kidnapping. Instead a great exhibit was the result.  Here’s a page about him from a website that was created for ‘Petra Lost City of Stone’.  I had never even heard of the culture of the ancient civilization of spice traders called the Nabateans, builders of the city of Petra, until my brother told me about them. During that period he sometimes called me from his research sites in Jordan.  Those were the Bush years. I assumed this meant that I was probably having my phone tapped by the U.S. government.

go It was always fun to attend any exhibit of ancient relics with him because he specialized in knowing about vanished worlds that are invisible to most of us. One time, while showing Andy and me around an exhibit, he took us over to a very official looking piece of inscribed rock sitting in a case on a pedestal. “That was a shopping list from the first century.” he told us.

source Anyway, he’s gone now. He was a very sweet, funny, smart man and a great father to his two sons, Carey and Noah. And he was my goofy but brilliant brother. It seems surreal that he has suddenly vanished. But as we all learn, such is the weird reality lurking right underneath the one in which we all live. We sent an obituary in to the Cincinnati Enquirer but so far they haven’t published it. I couldn’t wait any longer. So I wrote this. Here he is when he was twenty, on a dig with others from UC Berkeley.

follow site Goodbye dear Glenn.


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57 Responses to “RIP Dr. Glenn Markoe: archaeologist/curator/author/researcher/my little brother”

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss, Merrill. What a beautiful tribute this is. Glenn was lucky to have you as his sister.

  2. Bob Watson says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. It can’t have been easy. I’ve lost two younger siblings to MS in the last 13 years and if I attempted to write their obituaries I’d dissolve into a puddle. Your brother sounds like a great guy, someone I would have enjoyed knowing. I’m going to go back now and read the highlighted bits. I look forward to seeing you back on Twitter. You make me laugh. I need that.

  3. Lisa McLeroy says:


    What a loving tribute to your brother.

    May God bless you with His grace!

  4. Mel O. says:

    Beautiful. What a great and accomplished guy. Very sorry for your loss.

  5. John Brown (@jbrown3079) says:

    I know the phrase “He lived a full life’ is misused from time to time. I am sure it applies here. It is nice for him that his sister was able to fight through her grief and write an eloquent remembrance.
    My thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult time.

  6. Tamar Abrams says:

    Merrill, your post compelled me to call my older bearded, gray haired brother to tell him that even though I don’t understand all the intellectual mumbo jumbo of his life (he’s on the faculty at Harvard Law School), I still love him. Thanks for the reminder. Your brother accomplished a lot in his life and I’m sure he must have been proud to have you for a sister. And your beautiful prose, which when eventually published, will help others to know how his life mattered. He may be gone but he left a wonderful biographer here on Earth.

    • Ghada says:

      How wonderful of your brother to have written about the Phoenicians. As a Lebanese who is very curious to find out about my cultural ancestors, I am eternally grateful. May God rest his soul.

  7. Jennifer says:

    You wrote a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing it with us. I am very sorry. The twitterverse/blogosphere are not going aywhere. Take your time–our society tries to rush the grieving process so. Take care.

  8. LJ says:

    My sincerest condolences to you, Merrill. Your tribute is lovely, and I hope you are comforted by happy memories of your beloved brother.

  9. I studied anthropology and I knew your brother was an archaologist because you mentioned it from time to time on your radio program. Now, thanks to your wonderful writing, I feel like he’s someone I’ve actually known. My brother died at age 58. These end pages always feel sad … as in the closing of a book. We remember that life is so short, after all, and so little of our happy dreams can come true. After some time passes, we realize how lucky we were to have that person in our lives and that, somehow the book never really does close …

  10. TG says:

    You did a fine job of capturing his quirks while weaving in what was important to him – very nice read.

  11. Clara Matonhodze says:

    I did not know him much but each time I met him, I was impressed by his finesse and understanding. He always had something to say about my Zimbabwean heritage and it made me feel valued. Our City has lost a great archeologist and source of knowledge. May his soul RIP.

  12. Bobbi Manuel says:

    That was just beautiful, so loving, and it left me feeling like we’ve all lost a little something with your brother’s passing. Your tribute made it clear what a special man he was, and I hope your pain fades quickly and leaves behind only happy memories.

  13. Mark West says:

    What a touching obituary, Merrill! I will never have the accomplishments of your brother but I hope that someone will write something as heartfelt and absorbing as this about me. My deepest sympathies on your loss.

  14. Dear Merrill,
    What a wonderful tribute to a very special brother. How blessed you are to have such good memories of his skills, passion and tributes to lost civilizations we have long since forgotten.
    Your loving acknowledgement is a testament to how precious life is, and we honor those who brighten and enlighten the world, even when we don’t know it. For to acknowledge our past is to better understand our future.

    I’m truly moved to have finally met him, through his works and your stories, thank you.

    My heartfelt wishes to you and your family for his passing on and gracing so many by his presence.

    Blessing to you all, Sandra

  15. Tavie says:

    I’ve said this elsewhere, but I’m very moved by your expression of love for your brother, who left the world far too soon. I’m very sad for your loss and thank you again for sharing a bit of your brother’s life with us. He sounds remarkable, a person who accomplished much and left the world a place changed for the better.

  16. Stuart Swiny says:

    I was saddened by the news of Glenn’s death. Your sensitive obituary explained why he had seemed so frail the last time we met at an academic meeting two or three years ago. My wife Helena and I asked how he was, but his response included no hint of his problems. Our friendship goes back to his Fulbright days in Cyprus, when I directed the research center to which he was attached. I remember him as brilliant, absent minded (and yes he did have computer problems, losing an entire research paper in one instance!) fun person who enjoyed a good meal and swim at a beautiful beach as much as any of us. I still remember his distinctive voice and especially laugh. We only met a few times after his Cyprus experience but it was always a pleasure to catch up. Many of my students have used his book on the Phoenicians which, although over a decade old, is the best introduction to them and their culture that I know.

  17. Glenn was my first PhD student at Berkeley, and my recorder for a season on the excavation at Dor in Israel. He also kindly invited me to contribute to the monumental Petra catalogue, which I was delighted to be able to do. My students and I use the Petra catalogue and his book on the Phoenicians (which have both become classics) regularly. Although we drifted apart over the last twenty years, we still remained in sporadic contact, most recently last year. I’ll miss him, and offer my deepest sympathy and sincerest condolences to his family.

  18. Nick says:

    I am sorry to hear about your brother, Man! you have brilliant people in your family…

  19. Marilyn says:

    I was so sorry to hear about Glenn. We were friends in Cincinnati but had lost touch over the last several years. He was a wonderful man — brilliant, fun, kind and often amusing. I loved your piece about him and I am sure he loves it too.

  20. Jonathan Ferguson says:

    This is very sad, although I only met Dr. Markoe on one occasion. I was an unknown graduate student who travelled to Cincinnati to see the Petra Rediscovered exhibit at the museum in 2005. I had contacted Dr. Markoe in advance, and he came to personally greet me and introduce me to the exhibit — real class!

  21. Christine Mullen Kreamer PhD says:

    Glenn and I enjoyed a long collegial relationship over his many years at CAM, as I was one of his ‘go to’ people for assessments of African art. As many of you know, during his years at CAM, Glenn was also in charge of the arts of Africa. Though this was not his area of expertise, I found him to be well-read on the subject and to have an excellent eye for quality when suggesting possible gifts and purchases for CAM’s collection. We had great fun working together on the reinstallation of CAM’s Africa hall. Glenn recognized the importance of African art to CAM and to the communities it serves … CAM was possibly the first art museum in the United States to recognize, collect and exhibit African art as art, and the arts of Africa have continued to have a strong presence at CAM since the original acquisition of the Steckelmann material in the late 19th century. Glenn respected that history, had a deep appreciation for the arts of Africa, and was greatly committed to art historical scholarship and to the mission of CAM. He was also a delightful and positive person. My heart goes out to his family. I will miss him. — Christine Mullen Kreamer, PhD
    Deputy Director & Chief Curator
    National Museum of African Art, MRC 708
    PO Box 37012
    Smithsonian Institution
    Washington DC 20013-7012

  22. Timothy Rub says:

    July 24, 2012
    My deepest condolences to Carey and Noah and to all of the members of Glenn’s family. I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear of Glenn’s death. It represents a great loss to the community and to those–there are many–who counted him as a valued colleague and friend. During my tenure as director of the Cincinnati Art Museum I came to know Glenn well and thought the world of him both as a curator and a scholar. His devotion to his work and to the museum were admirable, and he will be remembered fondly, and with gratitude, for caring so capably for its collection and for so generously sharing his enthusiasm for the art and history of the ancient world. I am fortunate to have known Glenn and will miss him very much.
    Timothy Rub,
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  23. Ellen Avril says:

    July 24, 2012
    Glenn and I shared an office when he joined the Cincinnati Art Museum staff and we worked together for ten years. He was a great colleague – intelligent, kind, reasoned, seriously passionate about his work, but with a ready sense of humor. I am profoundly saddened by his passing. He was deeply devoted to and tremendously proud of you, Carey and Noah. You brought him so much joy. May your best memories sustain you through this time of grief and loss.
    Ellen Avril,
    Trumansburg, New York

  24. I had the honor to work with Glenn and I am sorry to hear of this loss not only to his family but to the museum community. I will never forget the cut ups in monthly staff meetings between Glenn and Benedict Leca. You guys made things better for me when we all worked together. Glenn, you will be missed.
    Matt Leininger,
    Cincinnati, Ohio

  25. Barbara Kruze says:

    I just heard of Glenn’s passing. I send my sympathy with a heavy heart. We worked together at the Art Museum for many years and I considered him a friend. We had many laughs together. I so enjoyed our talks about our kids. The most important part of Glenn’s life was his family and I so admired him for that. He was always there for me when I needed a lecture and all the volunteers loved him. He will be sorely missed. Glenn, peace be with you and your family.
    Barbara Kruze,
    Covington, Kentucky

  26. Matthew Wizinksy says:

    My condolences to Glenn’s family and his many, many friends. I too had the pleasure of working with Glenn at the Cincinnati Art Museum for several years. It is easy to say that he is one of the most intelligent, worldly, and hilarious individuals I have ever met. I am fortunate to have known him while I did, and I know he will be deeply missed.
    Matthew Wizinsky,
    Chicago, Illinois

  27. Linda Pieper says:

    I just heard about Glenn’s passing. We worked together at the Cincinnati Art Museum and I always enjoyed seeing him when I went back for a visit. He was a brilliant, compassionate man. He loved his sons more than words can say. So sorry Carey and Noah.
    Linda Pieper,
    Florence, Kentucky

  28. Benedict Leca says:

    I’ve just learned of this moments ago, and I write with a very heavy heart. Glenn was my closest friend during my tenure at the Art Museum he served with distinction for 23 years. He was as solid as they come: funny, decent, full of compassion, cognizant of what’s important in life, a real scholar and an exemplary father. We helped each other through many incredibly trying situations; and boy did we have some laughs at the expense of the reprehensible and small-minded!
    We never gave an inch, Glenn, and I thank for all of your help.
    Farewell, my friend, may we cross paths in the future hovering over the blessed land of the ancients.
    Benedict Leca,
    Hamilton, Ontario

  29. Dear Carey and Noah,
    we are so sorry and sad to hear about Your father’s death.
    He was a good friend, wonderful father and outstanding scholar. A leader in his field of Art and Antiquity.
    Please accept our deep sympathy.
    Very sincerely,
    Ingrid and Fred Daoud

  30. Ted Lind says:

    I just heard this morning about Glenn’s passing. I had the pleasure of working with him during my time as an educator at the Cincinnati Art Museum. My fond memories include a couple of days in NYC with him when we were collaborating with the Museum of Natural History on the Petra exhibit, and the creation of an interactive learning area in an exhibit of ancient Greek art that explored the Greek’s view of children. He had a great sense of humor and a passion for his subject. Glenn will be missed – my thoughts are with his family.
    Ted Lind,
    Newark, New Jersey

  31. Cal Kowal says:

    Glenn Markoe was a truly wonderful human being. I extend my condolences to his family and friends.
    Cal Kowal,
    Alexandria, Kentucky

  32. Anita Douthat says:

    At least 10 years ago, I found myself at the same table with Glenn Markoe at a dinner event at the Cincinnati Art Museum. We had never met, so I innocently asked him if he worked at the museum. With great humor and grace he explained how many facets of classical and ancient art comprised his “department”. His response was a great testament to his patience and kindness. I did not know him well, but he will be sorely missed by his friends, colleagues and family.
    Anita Douthat,
    Alexandria, Kentucky

  33. Andrea O'Neill says:

    Those of us who had the privilege of working with Glenn at the Cincinnati Art Museum admired his intelligence, passion, gentleness and humor. Just a year ago, he illustrated the joy of his scholarship via an essay he wrote on the museum’s Greek lion monument; I am sure if it could, the lion would lower its head in sadness at the passing of this kind and noble friend of the arts. I send my condolences to his family and many friends.
    Andrea O’Neill,
    Cincinnati, Ohio

  34. Kathryn Haigh says:

    Glenn was a valued colleague and will be greatly missed. I had the pleasure of working with him for 13 years and implemented many of his exhibitions including Petra: Lost City of Stone.
    Kathryn Haigh,
    Indianapolis, Indiana

  35. Ella Jean Davis says:

    I remember contacting Glenn about his book and our desire to purchase it for Pat Murdock. He gave the book to her signed of course. She had just lost her husband and adjusting to that event, a little fragile then. Glenn met us all for lunch on that same occasion and was charming as was his custom. I will always remember his gentleness and kindness. There’s a hole in the world. Ella Jean Davis (formerly employed at Cincinnati Art Museum)

    • Bonnie says:

      Ella, remember how pleased Glenn was that Pat wanted his book. He didn’t even have a copy of his own at that point. He seemed frail until he talked about his boys. His boys were always first in his mind and heart. I worked with him for about 12 years and am pleased to call him a friend, a true gentleman and scholar.

  36. Gayle Hayden says:

    Merrill, I am so sorry.What a wonderful tribute.Be well and much love,Gayle

  37. Marianne Quellhorst says:

    I am so sorry to hear of Glenn’s passing. I worked with Glenn at the Cincinnati Art Museum during the presentation of “Petra: Lost City of Stone.” Like many others, I was in awe of his intelligence and entertained by his sense of humor. And several years later, I remember being impressed by his admiration of his sons and still clearly remember his office wall decorated with drawings by them. My sincere condolescenes to his family. — Marianne Quellhorst

  38. Deb Hill says:

    Rarely does a tribute piece, (it’s not an obituary, really), embody the love for, and genuine admiration and pride for, a loved one who has left us in this world, bewildered and anguished, to move on to the next. How could they? Why should someone so valued, so brilliant, so loved, be taken from us so soon? The open wound in the heart morphs into an emptiness of the soul.

    Your words are truly heartfelt and your utter anguish is evident in every sentence. Had the ‘Cinnquirer’ published your submission in a timely manner, the rest of us would never have had the priviledge of reading this gift of words. Thank you for giving us a short but meaningful glimpse of your wonderful brother and thank you for sharing a piece of your innermost self.

    I wish you comfort from the pain and the joy of remembering.
    We never get over it, so we just get on with it.

    With great admiration and deepest sorrow,

    (a fan from the olden days)

  39. Kenneth Brummel says:

    Dr. Glenn Markoe will be remembered for his genuine penchant for the arts and for his many contributions to the field of classical archaeology. He will also be remembered as an affable and amiable colleague who made working at the Cincinnati Art Museum pleasurable and memorable. I thank Glenn for his guidance and support.

    Kenneth BRUMMEL
    The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
    Kansas City, Missouri

  40. Joseph A. Greene says:

    Dear Merrill,

    My professional and personal friendship with Glenn began during his Fulbright year at the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) in 1987 and continued for the next 25 years on matters Cypriot, Phoenician and Nabatean. We had been in touch as recently as May of 2011 on the subject of Khirbet et-Tannur, Jordan; but he dropped out of touch soon after that. I was at a loss to understand it until I read your posting about his death. I was truly sorry to learn the news. Scholarship of the ancient Mediterranean has lost a devoted exponent, and you have lost a beloved brother.

    Joseph A. Greene
    Harvard University
    Cambridge, MA

  41. Tony Walsh says:

    Dear Merrill,
    As photographer for the Cincinnati Art Museum I often had the pleasure of working with Glen.
    He had agreat talent for explaining the ancient art we were photographing and telling a great joke at the same time. One of my favorite memories of him is the l o n g pause as we all waited to see what his response would be to an absurd situation. He didn’t disapoint.
    My children are about the same age as Carey and Noah and he talked about them whenever we were together. He was crazy about those guys.
    Tony Walsh
    Cincinnati, Ohio

  42. Edna C. Southard says:

    My deepest sympathy to you and Glenn’s sons. Glenn was a fine and valued colleague over the course of many years when I was curator of collections and exhibitions at the Miami University Art Museum. He was generous in sharing his knowledge and I valued his advice. We worked together on an exhibition of ancient art in the Miami University Art Museum’s permanent collection in 1996. He was guest curator and author for the catalogue of the show that we titled, “Ars Longa, Vita Brevis: Ancient Art from the Walter I. Farmer Collection.” Now that title seems strangely prescient and poignantly relevant: indeed art is long and life is short. The phrase is ancient but Longfellow put it best when he wrote, “Art is long and Time is fleeting/ And our hearts, though stout and brave/ Still, like muffled drums, are beating/ Funeral marches to the grave.” We were glad to have completed the project shortly before Walter Farmer died. Ten years later I retired as curator of collections and exhibitions. And now….my sorrow goes with you.
    Edna C. Southard
    Oxford, Ohio

  43. siobhan says:

    That’s the best obituary I’ve ever read about anyone. You’d mentioned him in your blog, and I could tell that you loved him so, but I didn’t know about his work and his passion for it. Your parents raised such interesting, brilliant, but different children. I hope they appreciated the strengths within each of you
    The love for him is so evident- It’s like the love I have for my younger brother who is so gifted in his field. Not in academics, but carpentry and very creative renovations. He got a degree in sociology first, which I’m sure fits into his work somehow and somewhere. ? ? All I know is when people hear my last name they gasp, “My God, are you Steve’s brother?” and start groveling. I call him the Jesus Carpenter. It’s quite a trial for my sister- in- law.
    I’m so sorry that Glenn isn’t directly in your life anymore, but his memory will give you so much comfort and humor. When I recall funny incidents from my time with friends who’ve died, it brings back so much happiness
    Sincerely, Susan Gilmore
    a fanatical fan of YOU!

  44. Rebecca Montfort says:

    I imagine Glenn’s smile, charm and quick jokes were for our benefit because he was minding the more important things in life. I am grateful to Glenn for an adventurous trip to Jordan. His gentle soul will be missed.

    Rebecca Montfort, (former CAM colleague)
    Cincinnati, Ohio

  45. Kate says:

    A lovely obituary, I’m very sorry for your loss. Your brother’s book on the Phoenicians is an excellent read.

  46. Paula Perlman says:

    Glenn and I were classmates in graduate school at UC Berkeley. He was a dear friend then and although our paths did not often cross in the years following graduate school it was always a delight to catch up with him when they did. We shared interests in sea-faring and trade in the eastern Mediterranean and I learned a lot from Glenn’s work. I heard of Glenn’s death only this week, at the annual meeting of the alumni association of the American School of Classical Studies when the members of the ASCSA community who died the past year were remembered. I will miss him.

  47. Jim Bard says:

    I knew Glenn back in Berkeley; he was on a 1971 field school dig with me out in the Carson Sink of Nevada. He was a great guy and we enjoyed getting to know each other during the early 1970s. I remember the day that photo of him in the canvas tent was taken. Had a few classes with him as well – before he specialized in Middle East(ern) stuff… he was too smart by a country mile to have gone into the archaeology of western North America. I recall those days as he was learning all those nearly extinct languages – the word ‘polymath’ comes to mind – but he was really a poly-language!

    My condolences to you, Merrill. My memories of Glenn are coming back from the deep recesses ….


  48. Fari Supiya says:

    It would be nice to think every life has made an impact for the positive. In this case there is no need to speculate. Your ‘little brother’ contributed much to informing the world about the Phoenician contribution to Greek civilization. Sorry for you loss.

  49. Greg Torres says:


    I am shocked by this. I did not know your brother, but he has contributed to my knowledge base greatly. I feel like, had I met him, I’d have found a kindred spirit. I am misunderstood often because of my curiosity in things so ancient that they seem to have no relevance in today’s world, but this is not true. Your brother’s body of work is his legacy and I want you to know that I appreciate the person he was. I just finished his book on the Phoenicians. It was exceptionally well written and comprehensive in so far as there is archaeological evidence. I looked to the back of the book and saw that, to my delight, he is named as the Cincinnati Art Museum’s Curator of Classical and Near Eastern Art. I became excited as I recently moved to Cincinnati and wanted to contact him to ask him further questions on his book. When I typed his name into a search, I was dismayed to find that he had passed, and yet touched deeply by your tribute to him. I am sad to hear of your loss and I am sorry. He was a special person in that there are not many like him, as you aptly described. I wish you well and will carry the knowledge he imparted to me for the rest of my life, and hopefully be able to pass his legacy to the next generation.
    Greg Torres

  50. Nicholas Freidn says:

    I just came across your touching account of Glenn. I knew him for many, many, years, first when we were both students on archaeological digs, and in New York (when we tried to write a book on ‘mythical monsters’), and later visiting him in Cincinnati. Glenn was, and remains, one of my best friends. He was super in his field, and a kind; gentle, and funny person, a real ‘mensch’. I remember his French horn – and his absolute dislike of Mahler. (I always threatened to buy him the complete symphonic works !) And also his laugh, and joy of life. Many wonderful, memorable, shared experiences. A profound loss to any one who knew him, and to our profession. His two sons should remain proud of their father.

    Thank you for your words.


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