The Lost Shoes of Zuma
Posted in blog post on August 13th, 2010 by Merrill Markoe Cheap Prices I am trying very hard to finish up the first draft of a new book of essays. It is taking forever and is endlessly labor intensive. So I did what any right thinking person would do to cope: I started a TUMBLR. I had never even been ON Tumblr before so I don’t like this format so much. I will almost definitely change it pretty soon. But meanwhile we, the two human residents of my household, have taken to documenting the shoes that we see left behind at Zuma Beach every time we go for a walk there. So many poor lost forgotten shoes. Once the cheery companions at summer picnics, happily filled with feet…now alone and abandoned in the parking lot or on the sand. Poor poor sad lonely shoes of Zuma.
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