How Westminster always looks to me.

Posted in blog post on February 18th, 2010 by Merrill Markoe
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see url Every year I watch the Westminster dog show and I think about making this. This year I did it. Here it is.

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17 Responses to “How Westminster always looks to me.”

  1. Cathy says:

    follow link Do you think this is a case of “clothes demotion?” These women all look like they’re recyling the wedding suits they wore to their niece or nephew’s wedding eight years ago. I occasionally demoted a dress and wore it to work. Now I have to wonder how I looked — especially since I didn’t have a puppy at my side as a buffer.
    • see url That’s very funny. Someone else pointed out to me that there are no women in pants at Westminster. I then noticed that EVERY woman and man is wearing a suit. So apparently there is a dress code. As if it isn’t humbling enough to have to run in a circle next to a purebred, in front of an audience. I watch those serious looking people running around in their suits with their dogs and it just makes me laugh.

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      • SusanM says:

        Buy Diazepam Ampoules I imagine many of you have seen “Best in Show”. The real dog show has not yet measured up to the man “with two left feet” who won in the movie.
        I had already decided that I couldn’t “show” because I have an ectomorphic (scrawny non-athletic build) body with a real tummy attached which deserves its own name. Also I HATE to accessorize ,and hate ballet flats let alone run in them. Also Sophie refuses to take part. No worry, she’s a very mixed breed.
        I always wondered if there was a dress code, so thanks for clarifying that for me. I also found that part strange, but couldn’t figure out why. Thanks for interpreting the world for me. I’m glad others find the same thing strange. Maybe a young kid who resembles “Lassie’s” Timmy, could carry off the Running – of- the -Dogs better.
  2. Kelly says:

    source site Of course there is a dress code, and the #1 rule is don’t outshine your dog! Since it is a DOG show (not a PEOPLE show), most people rightly spend more time, energy, and money making the dog look his/her best. Pumps are obviously out of the question for showing any breed that requires the handler to run.
  3. Shelley says:

    Buy Valium You have us nailed….but the Best of Breed Cardigan (who was the sire of my last litter) was shown by a woman in (horrors!!!) PANTS!! – so it can happen :o)
  4. click I love this so, so much. I just. I can’t even. Merrill, you have truly outdone yourself. Off to go bra shopping!

  5. Jennifer says: Dogs that are better groomed than I am intimidate me.

  6. Margaret says:

    source That is one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen.

    source My normally relatively self-controlled 45-year-old bladder failed me.

  7. Susan says: Is your book going to have an accompanying DVD???!!! And that must be your Andy doing the “announcing” – good acting skills!