Well, I’m in the Wall Street Journal

Posted in blog post on March 27th, 2010 by Merrill Markoe go site Tags: , , , ,

Buy Diazepam Online Review Because, you know, I’m such a big player on Wall Street.


source site Actually, that’s misleading. I’M not in the Wall Street Journal. A piece I wrote is in the Wall Street Journal and you can see it for yourself right here. I was asked to write something about how the coming holidays are more than the usual amount of difficult because of all the divisive political opinion right now. So I wrote about America’s two big hobbies: Celebrating and Freaking out. I have never written anything so quickly in my life. And not because I was celebrating or freaking out. Though I did, at some point, start freaking out because I was only given 24 hours to write 1800 words. Its hard to write six pages and have them make sense in the English language in a time frame that small. Well, hard for me.  Steven King probably can do it and be texting at the same time. And of course, when I say “six pages”, I mean in a theoretical notebook sense. That’s how I always keeps track of pages. In my head they are on imaginary paper.


https://www.fandangotrading.com/bdqdvg9lq This is the photo the Wall Street Journal used for an illustration. None of these people are me. Although every photograph that I have of myself in this kind of a family context is nearly as horrifying.  I was saving all of the afore mentioned photos, in the original scrap books  assembled by my mother at various points in the sixties and seventies, because it seemed like a thing I must do.  Some of the pictures of me were so unflattering that I carry them, as a cautionary note, imprinted and enlarged,  in the masochistic portion of my brain where they surface almost every single day. Recently it was pointed out to me, by my beloved, that I didn’t have to save photographs that I truly hated. It took me a while to realize that he was, of course, right. And it was a happy day when I pulled out those bad looking images and threw them away.

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enter Now if I could just figure out how to also get them out of my head.

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6 Responses to “Well, I’m in the Wall Street Journal”

  1. Margaret says:

    https://www.parolacce.org/2024/09/18/a9r0yxopsnt Loved the article. I have a lot of experience with holiday tiptoeing and I took note of your safe topic ideas, but even with conversations about Easter grass and Jesse James, I still don’t think it’s wise to attempt a holiday gathering with anything less than a .05 mg Xanax. One year I tried Thanksgiving with a .25mg and I actually had to apologize to myself later for trying to be a hero.

  2. Margaret says:

    Diazepam 2 Mg Order Online Oh yea…I forgot to mention this…

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    click here Thank you for sharing your beloved’s revelation that it’s okay to put photos in the trash. I have many that I wish didn’t exist and it was liberating to realize that it’s legal to toss ’em.


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  3. Lane says:

    https://vbmotorworld.com/1s7pqrn04 Thoroughly enjoyed your article, much “Truthyness” in it. And it’s a blessing that all those little mini/micro holidays, like St. Patrick’s or Bastille Day haven’t been morphed into Obligatory Family Summits. Not yet anyway.


    https://luisfernandocastro.com/sh9ebrnm7 There should be a Xanax Appreciation Day, however. I was inspired by Margaret’s candid remarks and am considering calling my local congress critter to suggest the idea. Because after looking at the calendar just now, I realized ….


    Order Cheap Diazepam Mother’s Day is coming.

  4. Jennifer says:

    source site That’s a great article. And look at the WSJ comments-some love it, one accuses you of imparting your political agenda, one shares her own family experience while saying nothing about the article, and, of course, the spammers show up. A good representation of Internet users. Nicely done.

    • go to link I didn’t look at the comments because I was too afraid to. But those you mention pretty much sum up my career in general: some people like me, some people hate me, and then a bunch of others just want to sell me penis extenders.
